Three Products from Stinger that Keep Bugs Away

We have no relationship with Stinger other than the fact that they sent us a bunch of bug killing devices to clear out the office of flying critters. And grateful we are – with the warm weather came pesky bugs that ran wild while climbing, inside the office, in the breakroom and just all over the damn place. Thank you Stinger for helping us in the good fight against bugs.

For those close range encounters, I always like to have my trusty Stinger On-the-Go Zapper Racket. We have killed everything from small flies to large spiders with the Zapper Racket. Just make sure you’re not trying to catch the fly in your hand while one of your coworkers is trying to zap it. I speak from experience and it doesn’t end well.

The second weapon you want to have in your arsenal is the Stinger Insect Zapper Lantern. This weapon is used for more midrange attacks because you can set it up and go climbing or camping without having to worry about pesky bugs all over the place. All you have to do is charge it up, set it down and wait for the satisfying zapping sound it makes when it takes out a bug.

Finally, no arsenal is complete without a long-range, long-term weapon. That’s where the Stinger No Touch Fly Trap comes in. The No Touch Fly Trap is used when you want to reach out and touch somebug and works by using a lure that is surrounded by a stylish outer shell. It is also spill proof and reusable. This fly trap has a range of 10-20ft which to a bug is more like 10-20 klicks. If you use all three of these weapons at the same time, you might disrupt the fabric of the universe so keep this in mind and use them with caution.

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